



Fayettevillec Foundation Repair

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Fayetteville Foundation Repair

A cracked, bowing, or damaged foundation can be a painful surprise. If you spot cracks in your walls or brickwork or other signs of foundation damage, don’t wait to get concrete repairs for your Fayetteville home. Not only does foundation damage get worse over time, but it can reduce the value of your home and can prevent you from selling it in the future.

Regional Foundation & Crawl Space Repair is the best foundation repair company in Fayetteville, offering expert foundation, basement, and driveway repair services. Our team can quickly assess and repair your concrete foundation.

What Causes Foundation Damage in Fayetteville?

To understand foundation damage, you need to understand how your foundation was built. Before your home existed, a big hole was excavated where your home now stands. In the hole, your foundation was constructed and then packed in with fill soil.

The area where your foundation was built was full of virgin soil, which sat undisturbed for an enormous amount of time. Now, the soil surrounding your foundation might be very loose comparatively.

Exterior stair step crack

The soil is constantly exerting force on your foundation, which was designed to resist vertical forces only. If that soil fills with water from a broken downspout or a heavy downpour or the groundwater in the soil freezes, those forces multiply. The pressure on your foundation walls can be extreme enough to push them inward, causing cracks along the concrete and warping the structure of your home. When the volume of the soil expands dramatically, the only place for it to go is toward your foundation. This can cause cracks in the basement walls and foundation of your Fayetteville home. Concrete repairs may be needed sooner than later.

Does My Home in Fayetteville Need Foundation Repairs?

Unfortunately, foundation damage tends to be fairly obvious. Your foundation walls can tilt inward where the ceiling and walls meet. The walls may bulge or bow inward. Cracks can form in the concrete, and repairs from an expert concrete contractor are required.

As your foundation walls become damaged, your crawl space or basement will be more prone to leaks and flooding. Eventually, if left unrepaired, your foundation walls can collapse entirely.

We Can Fix Your Damaged Foundation

If you see signs of damage in your foundation, basement, or driveway, call Fayetteville’s best concrete repair company, Regional Foundation & Crawl Space Repair to schedule a free estimate!